{%endblock %}
[1] =>
[1] => Array
[function] => compileFile
[class] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => ../app/frontend/views/blog/post.phtml
[1] => ../app/storage/cache/volt/_var_www_html_app_frontend_views_blog_post.phtml.volt
[2] =>
[2] => Array
[function] => compile
[class] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => ../app/frontend/views/blog/post.phtml
[3] => Array
[function] => render
[class] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => ../app/frontend/views/blog/post.phtml
[1] => Array
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
[google_client_id] => 721699760415-clpsfmlpl4as53827vgmq0roppde90et.apps.googleusercontent.com
[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => cssjs
[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[t] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
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[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
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[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
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[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
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[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
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[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
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[title] => Samsung_title
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
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[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[h1] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[alt] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-security.jpg
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
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[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelsMetadata] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[request] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Request
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[response] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Response
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[router] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[action:protected] => index
[controller:protected] => index
[defaultAction:protected] =>
[defaultController:protected] =>
[defaultModule:protected] =>
[defaultNamespace:protected] =>
[defaultParams:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[keyRouteNames:protected] => Array
[keyRouteIds:protected] => Array
[matchedRoute:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[matches:protected] => Array
[0] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[1] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[module:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] =>
[notFoundPaths:protected] => Array
[controller] => pages
[action] => p404
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[removeExtraSlashes:protected] =>
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[1] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 1
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => frontend
[controller] => dever
[action] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/
[2] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/ajax/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[prefix:protected] => /ajax
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 2
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[action] => 1
[params] => 2
[pattern:protected] => /ajax/:action/:params
[3] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/admin/([\w0-9\_\-]+)/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 3
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => 1
[action] => 2
[params] => 3
[pattern:protected] => /admin/:controller/:action/:params
[4] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => login
[action] => index
[module] => admin
[pattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[wasMatched:protected] => 1
[security] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Security
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[tag] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Tag
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[transactionManager] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Manager
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[url] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Url
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[db] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql Object
[connectionId:protected] => 0
[descriptor:protected] => Array
[host] =>
[username] => root
[password] => Root123
[dbname] => televizio
[options] => Array
[1002] => SET NAMES utf8
[dialect:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql Object
[customFunctions:protected] =>
[escapeChar:protected] => `
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[realSqlStatement:protected] => SELECT `l`.`name` AS `lang_name`, `l`.`rtl` AS `lang_rtl`, `l`.`short` AS `lang_short`, `l`.`code` AS `lang_code`, `l`.`id` AS `lang_id`, `s`.`sefurl` AS `sefurl` FROM `smart_blog_static` AS `bs` INNER JOIN `smart_blog` AS `b` ON `b`.`ids` = `bs`.`id` AND `b`.`state` = 1 INNER JOIN `smart_sefurl` AS `s` ON `s`.`idc` = `b`.`ids` AND `s`.`ctype` = 13 AND `s`.`lang` = `b`.`lang` INNER JOIN `smart_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`id` = `s`.`lang` WHERE `bs`.`id` = '6' ORDER BY `l`.`id` ASC
[sqlBindTypes:protected] =>
[sqlStatement:protected] =>
[sqlVariables:protected] =>
[transactionLevel:protected] => 0
[transactionsWithSavepoints:protected] =>
[affectedRows:protected] =>
[pdo:protected] => PDO Object
[dialectType:protected] => mysql
[type:protected] => mysql
[cache] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[modelsCache] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[config] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[voltService] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[static] => Array
[di] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[parameter] => Array
[$view] =>
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[view] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[sharedInstances:protected] => Array
[router] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[action:protected] => index
[controller:protected] => index
[defaultAction:protected] =>
[defaultController:protected] =>
[defaultModule:protected] =>
[defaultNamespace:protected] =>
[defaultParams:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[keyRouteNames:protected] => Array
[keyRouteIds:protected] => Array
[matchedRoute:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[matches:protected] => Array
[0] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[1] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[module:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] =>
[notFoundPaths:protected] => Array
[controller] => pages
[action] => p404
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[removeExtraSlashes:protected] =>
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[1] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 1
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => frontend
[controller] => dever
[action] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/
[2] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/ajax/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[prefix:protected] => /ajax
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 2
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[action] => 1
[params] => 2
[pattern:protected] => /ajax/:action/:params
[3] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/admin/([\w0-9\_\-]+)/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 3
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => 1
[action] => 2
[params] => 3
[pattern:protected] => /admin/:controller/:action/:params
[4] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => login
[action] => index
[module] => admin
[pattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[wasMatched:protected] => 1
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[actionName:protected] => post
[activeRenderPaths:protected] =>
[basePath:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[controllerName:protected] => blog
[currentRenderLevel:protected] => 1
[disabled:protected] =>
[disabledLevels:protected] =>
[engines:protected] => Array
[.phtml] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[layout:protected] =>
[layoutsDir:protected] =>
[mainView:protected] => index
[options:protected] => Array
[params:protected] =>
[pickView:protected] =>
[partialsDir:protected] =>
[registeredEngines:protected] => Array
[.phtml] => voltService
[renderLevel:protected] => 5
[templatesAfter:protected] => Array
[templatesBefore:protected] => Array
[viewsDirs:protected] => ../app/frontend/views/
[viewParams:protected] => Array
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
[google_client_id] => 721699760415-clpsfmlpl4as53827vgmq0roppde90et.apps.googleusercontent.com
[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => cssjs
[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[t] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[menus] => Array
[1] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => Download App
[title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[sefurl] => download/
[1] => Array
[name] => Manage playlilst
[title] => All actions in one menu item
[sefurl] => modification/
[2] => Array
[name] => F.A.Q.
[title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[sefurl] => faq/
[3] => Array
[name] => Articles
[title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[meta] => Array
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[h1] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[alt] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
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[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
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[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
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[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
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[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[title] => DownloadApp_title
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[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
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[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
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[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
[firstpage] => Array
[name] => FirstPage
[action] => firstpage
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[sefurl] =>
[translation] => Array
[title] => FirstPage_title
[desc] => FirstPage_description
[href_anchor] => FirstPage_href_anchor
[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
[success] => Array
[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
[qrcode] => Array
[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
[title] => QR_title
[desc] => QR_description
[href_anchor] => QR_href_anchor
[href_title] => QR_href_title
[button_anchor] => QR_button_anchor
[button_title] => QR_button_title
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[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
[post] => Array
[name] => BlogPost
[action] => post
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/iptv-vs-cable-tv-future-of-television.html
[translation] => Array
[title] => BlogPost_title
[desc] => BlogPost_description
[href_anchor] => BlogPost_href_anchor
[href_title] => BlogPost_href_title
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[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
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[name] => Blog
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[sefurl] => blog/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[button_anchor] => Blog_button_anchor
[button_title] => Blog_button_title
[modification] => Array
[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[alt] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[related_posts] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-security.jpg
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
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[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
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[name] => 2
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[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
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[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
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[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
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[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
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[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[snapshot:protected] =>
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[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
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[meta] =>
[params] =>
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[dirtyState:protected] => 1
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[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
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[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
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[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
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[dirtyState:protected] => 1
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[errorMessages:protected] => Array
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[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
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[lang] =>
[idc] =>
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[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[skipped:protected] =>
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[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
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[dirtyState:protected] => 1
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[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
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[snapshot:protected] =>
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[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[activeMethodMap:protected] => Array
[index] => index
[post] => post
[actionName:protected] => post
[actionSuffix:protected] => Action
[camelCaseMap:protected] => Array
[index] => Index
[blog] => Blog
[post] => Post
[defaultNamespace:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[handlerHashes:protected] => Array
[000000000d39b184000000002b776dc9] => 1
[000000000d39b189000000002b776dc9] => 1
[handlerName:protected] => blog
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[finished:protected] => 1
[forwarded:protected] => 1
[isControllerInitialize:protected] =>
[lastHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
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[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
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[mapper:protected] => Array
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[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
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[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
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[translation] => Array
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[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
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[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
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[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
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[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelBinder:protected] =>
[modelBinding:protected] =>
[moduleName:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[previousActionName:protected] => index
[previousHandlerName:protected] => index
[previousNamespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[returnedValue:protected] =>
[defaultAction:protected] => index
[defaultHandler:protected] => index
[handlerSuffix:protected] => Controller
[Smart\Frontend\Controllers\IndexController] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\IndexController Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[request] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[dispatcher] => Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[activeHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1740489949
[no_ads] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
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[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
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[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[href_title] => QR_href_title
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[name] => ManagePlaylist
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
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[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
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[translation] => Array
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[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[t] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[h1] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-security.jpg
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
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[lang] =>
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[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[activeMethodMap:protected] => Array
[index] => index
[post] => post
[actionName:protected] => post
[actionSuffix:protected] => Action
[camelCaseMap:protected] => Array
[index] => Index
[blog] => Blog
[post] => Post
[defaultNamespace:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[handlerHashes:protected] => Array
[000000000d39b184000000002b776dc9] => 1
[000000000d39b189000000002b776dc9] => 1
[handlerName:protected] => blog
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[finished:protected] => 1
[forwarded:protected] => 1
[isControllerInitialize:protected] =>
[lastHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1740489949
[no_ads] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
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[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
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[sefurl] => qr-code/
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[href_title] => QR_href_title
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
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[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
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[title] => Blog_title
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[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
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[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
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[google_client_secret] => 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
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[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
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[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[t] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
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[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
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[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
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[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
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[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
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[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
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[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
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[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelBinder:protected] =>
[modelBinding:protected] =>
[moduleName:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[previousActionName:protected] => index
[previousHandlerName:protected] => index
[previousNamespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[returnedValue:protected] =>
[defaultAction:protected] => index
[defaultHandler:protected] => index
[handlerSuffix:protected] => Controller
[request] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelsMetadata] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[db] => Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql Object
[connectionId:protected] => 0
[descriptor:protected] => Array
[host] =>
[username] => root
[password] => Root123
[dbname] => televizio
[options] => Array
[1002] => SET NAMES utf8
[dialect:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql Object
[customFunctions:protected] =>
[escapeChar:protected] => `
[eventsManager:protected] =>
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[sqlBindTypes:protected] =>
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
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[data:protected] => Array
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[7] => synclist
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[Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[title] => DownloadApp_title
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[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
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[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
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[name] => Contact
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
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[translation] => Array
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[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
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[name] => FirstPage
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[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
[title] => QR_title
[desc] => QR_description
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[href_title] => QR_href_title
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[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
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[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
[modification] => Array
[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[menus] => Array
[1] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => Download App
[title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[sefurl] => download/
[1] => Array
[name] => Manage playlilst
[title] => All actions in one menu item
[sefurl] => modification/
[2] => Array
[name] => F.A.Q.
[title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[sefurl] => faq/
[3] => Array
[name] => Articles
[title] => Articles about SmartTV
[sefurl] => blog/
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[meta] => Array
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[h1] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
[state] => 1
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[modified] => 2023-03-27 09:48:21
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[alt] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[related_posts] => Array
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
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[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[voltService] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[view:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[services:protected] => Array
[annotations] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter\Memory
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[assets] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Assets\Manager
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[crypt] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Crypt
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[cookies] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[cookies:protected] => Array
[registered:protected] =>
[signKey:protected] =>
[useEncryption:protected] =>
[dispatcher] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[escaper] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Escaper
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[eventsManager] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Events\Manager
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[flash] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Flash\Direct
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[flashSession] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Flash\Session
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[filter] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Filter Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[absint] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\AbsInt
[alnum] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Alnum
[alpha] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Alpha
[bool] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\BoolVal
[email] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Email
[float] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\FloatVal
[int] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\IntVal
[lower] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Lower
[lowerFirst] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\LowerFirst
[regex] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Regex
[remove] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Remove
[replace] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Replace
[special] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Special
[specialFull] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\SpecialFull
[string] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\StringVal
[striptags] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Striptags
[trim] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Trim
[upper] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Upper
[upperFirst] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\UpperFirst
[upperWords] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\UpperWords
[url] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Url
[services:protected] => Array
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelsMetadata] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[request] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Request
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[response] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Response
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[router] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[action:protected] => index
[controller:protected] => index
[defaultAction:protected] =>
[defaultController:protected] =>
[defaultModule:protected] =>
[defaultNamespace:protected] =>
[defaultParams:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[keyRouteNames:protected] => Array
[keyRouteIds:protected] => Array
[matchedRoute:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[matches:protected] => Array
[0] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[1] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[module:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] =>
[notFoundPaths:protected] => Array
[controller] => pages
[action] => p404
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[removeExtraSlashes:protected] =>
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[1] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 1
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => frontend
[controller] => dever
[action] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/
[2] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/ajax/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[prefix:protected] => /ajax
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 2
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[action] => 1
[params] => 2
[pattern:protected] => /ajax/:action/:params
[3] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/admin/([\w0-9\_\-]+)/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 3
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => 1
[action] => 2
[params] => 3
[pattern:protected] => /admin/:controller/:action/:params
[4] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => login
[action] => index
[module] => admin
[pattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[wasMatched:protected] => 1
[security] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Security
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[tag] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Tag
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[transactionManager] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Manager
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[url] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Url
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[db] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql Object
[connectionId:protected] => 0
[descriptor:protected] => Array
[host] =>
[username] => root
[password] => Root123
[dbname] => televizio
[options] => Array
[1002] => SET NAMES utf8
[dialect:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql Object
[customFunctions:protected] =>
[escapeChar:protected] => `
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[realSqlStatement:protected] => SELECT `l`.`name` AS `lang_name`, `l`.`rtl` AS `lang_rtl`, `l`.`short` AS `lang_short`, `l`.`code` AS `lang_code`, `l`.`id` AS `lang_id`, `s`.`sefurl` AS `sefurl` FROM `smart_blog_static` AS `bs` INNER JOIN `smart_blog` AS `b` ON `b`.`ids` = `bs`.`id` AND `b`.`state` = 1 INNER JOIN `smart_sefurl` AS `s` ON `s`.`idc` = `b`.`ids` AND `s`.`ctype` = 13 AND `s`.`lang` = `b`.`lang` INNER JOIN `smart_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`id` = `s`.`lang` WHERE `bs`.`id` = '6' ORDER BY `l`.`id` ASC
[sqlBindTypes:protected] =>
[sqlStatement:protected] =>
[sqlVariables:protected] =>
[transactionLevel:protected] => 0
[transactionsWithSavepoints:protected] =>
[affectedRows:protected] =>
[pdo:protected] => PDO Object
[dialectType:protected] => mysql
[type:protected] => mysql
[cache] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[modelsCache] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[config] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[voltService] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[static] => Array
[di] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[parameter] => Array
[$view] =>
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[view] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[sharedInstances:protected] => Array
[router] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[action:protected] => index
[controller:protected] => index
[defaultAction:protected] =>
[defaultController:protected] =>
[defaultModule:protected] =>
[defaultNamespace:protected] =>
[defaultParams:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[keyRouteNames:protected] => Array
[keyRouteIds:protected] => Array
[matchedRoute:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[matches:protected] => Array
[0] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[1] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[module:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] =>
[notFoundPaths:protected] => Array
[controller] => pages
[action] => p404
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[removeExtraSlashes:protected] =>
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[1] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 1
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
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[module] => frontend
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[2] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/ajax/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
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[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
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[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[hostname:protected] =>
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[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[action] => 1
[params] => 2
[pattern:protected] => /ajax/:action/:params
[3] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
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[converters:protected] =>
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[module] => admin
[controller] => 1
[action] => 2
[params] => 3
[pattern:protected] => /admin/:controller/:action/:params
[4] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
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[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => login
[action] => index
[module] => admin
[pattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[wasMatched:protected] => 1
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[dispatcher] => Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[activeHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
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[meta] => english
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[name] => BlogPost
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[action] => post
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[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
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[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
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[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] =>
[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
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[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[action] => qrcode
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[href_title] => QR_href_title
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[button_title] => QR_button_title
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[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
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[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[button_anchor] => Blog_button_anchor
[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
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[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
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[data:protected] => Array
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[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[data:protected] => Array
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[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
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[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
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[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
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[1] => 1
[2] => 2
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[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[2] => upload
[3] => modification
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[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
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[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
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[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
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[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
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[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
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[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
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[adapter:protected] =>
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[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
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[lang] =>
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[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[activeMethodMap:protected] => Array
[index] => index
[post] => post
[actionName:protected] => post
[actionSuffix:protected] => Action
[camelCaseMap:protected] => Array
[index] => Index
[blog] => Blog
[post] => Post
[defaultNamespace:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[handlerHashes:protected] => Array
[000000000d39b184000000002b776dc9] => 1
[000000000d39b189000000002b776dc9] => 1
[handlerName:protected] => blog
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[finished:protected] => 1
[forwarded:protected] => 1
[isControllerInitialize:protected] =>
[lastHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
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[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
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[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
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[no_ads] =>
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[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
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[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
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[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
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[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
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[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelBinder:protected] =>
[modelBinding:protected] =>
[moduleName:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[previousActionName:protected] => index
[previousHandlerName:protected] => index
[previousNamespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[returnedValue:protected] =>
[defaultAction:protected] => index
[defaultHandler:protected] => index
[handlerSuffix:protected] => Controller
[Smart\Frontend\Controllers\IndexController] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\IndexController Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[request] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[dispatcher] => Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[activeHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1740489949
[no_ads] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[desc] => QR_description
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[href_title] => QR_href_title
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[button_title] => QR_button_title
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
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[translation] => Array
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[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
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[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
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[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
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[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
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[href_title] => BlogPost_href_title
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[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[data:protected] => Array
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
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[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[1] => update
[2] => upload
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[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
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[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
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[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
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[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
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[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
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[skipped:protected] =>
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[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
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[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
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[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
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[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
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[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
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[id] =>
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[fulltext] =>
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[id] =>
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[id] =>
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[short] =>
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[meta] =>
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[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
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[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
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[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
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[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
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[000000000d39b189000000002b776dc9] => 1
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[eventsManager:protected] =>
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[isControllerInitialize:protected] =>
[lastHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
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[id] => 1
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[short] => en
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[meta] => english
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[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
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[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
[action] => firstpage
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] =>
[translation] => Array
[title] => FirstPage_title
[desc] => FirstPage_description
[href_anchor] => FirstPage_href_anchor
[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
[success] => Array
[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
[title] => QR_title
[desc] => QR_description
[href_anchor] => QR_href_anchor
[href_title] => QR_href_title
[button_anchor] => QR_button_anchor
[button_title] => QR_button_title
[privacy] => Array
[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
[post] => Array
[name] => BlogPost
[action] => post
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/iptv-vs-cable-tv-future-of-television.html
[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => BlogPost_href_title
[button_anchor] => BlogPost_button_anchor
[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
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[name] => Blog
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[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[button_anchor] => Blog_button_anchor
[button_title] => Blog_button_title
[modification] => Array
[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
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[data:protected] => Array
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[data:protected] => Array
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[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[data:protected] => Array
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[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
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[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
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[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
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[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
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[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
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[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
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[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
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[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
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[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
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[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
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[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
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[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
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[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
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[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
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[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
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[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
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[type] => 61
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
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[name] => ids
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[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
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[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
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[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
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[type] => 355
[name] => l
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[type] => 61
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[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
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[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
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[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelBinder:protected] =>
[modelBinding:protected] =>
[moduleName:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[previousActionName:protected] => index
[previousHandlerName:protected] => index
[previousNamespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[returnedValue:protected] =>
[defaultAction:protected] => index
[defaultHandler:protected] => index
[handlerSuffix:protected] => Controller
[request] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelsMetadata] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[db] => Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql Object
[connectionId:protected] => 0
[descriptor:protected] => Array
[host] =>
[username] => root
[password] => Root123
[dbname] => televizio
[options] => Array
[1002] => SET NAMES utf8
[dialect:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql Object
[customFunctions:protected] =>
[escapeChar:protected] => `
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[realSqlStatement:protected] => SELECT `l`.`name` AS `lang_name`, `l`.`rtl` AS `lang_rtl`, `l`.`short` AS `lang_short`, `l`.`code` AS `lang_code`, `l`.`id` AS `lang_id`, `s`.`sefurl` AS `sefurl` FROM `smart_blog_static` AS `bs` INNER JOIN `smart_blog` AS `b` ON `b`.`ids` = `bs`.`id` AND `b`.`state` = 1 INNER JOIN `smart_sefurl` AS `s` ON `s`.`idc` = `b`.`ids` AND `s`.`ctype` = 13 AND `s`.`lang` = `b`.`lang` INNER JOIN `smart_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`id` = `s`.`lang` WHERE `bs`.`id` = '6' ORDER BY `l`.`id` ASC
[sqlBindTypes:protected] =>
[sqlStatement:protected] =>
[sqlVariables:protected] =>
[transactionLevel:protected] => 0
[transactionsWithSavepoints:protected] =>
[affectedRows:protected] =>
[pdo:protected] => PDO Object
[dialectType:protected] => mysql
[type:protected] => mysql
[cookies] => Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[cookies:protected] => Array
[registered:protected] =>
[signKey:protected] =>
[useEncryption:protected] =>
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
[google_client_id] => 721699760415-clpsfmlpl4as53827vgmq0roppde90et.apps.googleusercontent.com
[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => cssjs
[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
[firstpage] => Array
[name] => FirstPage
[action] => firstpage
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] =>
[translation] => Array
[title] => FirstPage_title
[desc] => FirstPage_description
[href_anchor] => FirstPage_href_anchor
[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
[success] => Array
[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
[qrcode] => Array
[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
[title] => QR_title
[desc] => QR_description
[href_anchor] => QR_href_anchor
[href_title] => QR_href_title
[button_anchor] => QR_button_anchor
[button_title] => QR_button_title
[privacy] => Array
[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
[post] => Array
[name] => BlogPost
[action] => post
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/iptv-vs-cable-tv-future-of-television.html
[translation] => Array
[title] => BlogPost_title
[desc] => BlogPost_description
[href_anchor] => BlogPost_href_anchor
[href_title] => BlogPost_href_title
[button_anchor] => BlogPost_button_anchor
[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
[list] => Array
[name] => Blog
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[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[button_anchor] => Blog_button_anchor
[button_title] => Blog_button_title
[modification] => Array
[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
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[google_client_secret] => 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
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[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[voltService] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[actionName:protected] => post
[activeRenderPaths:protected] =>
[basePath:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[controllerName:protected] => blog
[currentRenderLevel:protected] => 1
[disabled:protected] =>
[disabledLevels:protected] =>
[engines:protected] => Array
[.phtml] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[eventsManager:protected] =>
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[mainView:protected] => index
[options:protected] => Array
[params:protected] =>
[pickView:protected] =>
[partialsDir:protected] =>
[registeredEngines:protected] => Array
[.phtml] => voltService
[renderLevel:protected] => 5
[templatesAfter:protected] => Array
[templatesBefore:protected] => Array
[viewsDirs:protected] => ../app/frontend/views/
[viewParams:protected] => Array
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
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[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
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[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[t] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[name] => DownloadApp
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[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
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[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
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[name] => Contact
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
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[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
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[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
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[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
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[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
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[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
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[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[1] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => Download App
[title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[sefurl] => download/
[1] => Array
[name] => Manage playlilst
[title] => All actions in one menu item
[sefurl] => modification/
[2] => Array
[name] => F.A.Q.
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[sefurl] => faq/
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[name] => Articles
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[h1] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
[state] => 1
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[alt] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[related_posts] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-security.jpg
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
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[belongsTo:protected] => Array
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[eventsManager:protected] =>
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[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
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[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
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[type] => 354
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[type] => 355
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[4] => Array
[type] => 354
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[type] => 355
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[type] => 354
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[type] => 355
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[type] => 355
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[0] => Array
[type] => 360
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[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
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[type] => 61
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[type] => 61
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[type] => 355
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[name] => ids
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[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
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[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
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[type] => 266
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[type] => 355
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[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
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[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
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[type] => 355
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[name] => lang
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[type] => 355
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[name] => lang
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[type] => 360
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[type] => 355
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[name] => l
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[type] => 355
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[type] => 355
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[type] => 61
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[type] => 355
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[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
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[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
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[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
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[0] => Array
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[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
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[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
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[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
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[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
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[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelsMetadata] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[request] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Request
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[response] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Response
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[router] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[action:protected] => index
[controller:protected] => index
[defaultAction:protected] =>
[defaultController:protected] =>
[defaultModule:protected] =>
[defaultNamespace:protected] =>
[defaultParams:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[keyRouteNames:protected] => Array
[keyRouteIds:protected] => Array
[matchedRoute:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[matches:protected] => Array
[0] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[1] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[module:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] =>
[notFoundPaths:protected] => Array
[controller] => pages
[action] => p404
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[removeExtraSlashes:protected] =>
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[1] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 1
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => frontend
[controller] => dever
[action] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/
[2] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/ajax/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[prefix:protected] => /ajax
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 2
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[action] => 1
[params] => 2
[pattern:protected] => /ajax/:action/:params
[3] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/admin/([\w0-9\_\-]+)/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 3
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => 1
[action] => 2
[params] => 3
[pattern:protected] => /admin/:controller/:action/:params
[4] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => login
[action] => index
[module] => admin
[pattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[wasMatched:protected] => 1
[security] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Security
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[tag] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Tag
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[transactionManager] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Manager
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[url] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Url
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[db] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql Object
[connectionId:protected] => 0
[descriptor:protected] => Array
[host] =>
[username] => root
[password] => Root123
[dbname] => televizio
[options] => Array
[1002] => SET NAMES utf8
[dialect:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql Object
[customFunctions:protected] =>
[escapeChar:protected] => `
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[realSqlStatement:protected] => SELECT `l`.`name` AS `lang_name`, `l`.`rtl` AS `lang_rtl`, `l`.`short` AS `lang_short`, `l`.`code` AS `lang_code`, `l`.`id` AS `lang_id`, `s`.`sefurl` AS `sefurl` FROM `smart_blog_static` AS `bs` INNER JOIN `smart_blog` AS `b` ON `b`.`ids` = `bs`.`id` AND `b`.`state` = 1 INNER JOIN `smart_sefurl` AS `s` ON `s`.`idc` = `b`.`ids` AND `s`.`ctype` = 13 AND `s`.`lang` = `b`.`lang` INNER JOIN `smart_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`id` = `s`.`lang` WHERE `bs`.`id` = '6' ORDER BY `l`.`id` ASC
[sqlBindTypes:protected] =>
[sqlStatement:protected] =>
[sqlVariables:protected] =>
[transactionLevel:protected] => 0
[transactionsWithSavepoints:protected] =>
[affectedRows:protected] =>
[pdo:protected] => PDO Object
[dialectType:protected] => mysql
[type:protected] => mysql
[cache] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[modelsCache] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[config] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[voltService] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[static] => Array
[di] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[parameter] => Array
[$view] =>
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[view] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[sharedInstances:protected] => Array
[router] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[action:protected] => index
[controller:protected] => index
[defaultAction:protected] =>
[defaultController:protected] =>
[defaultModule:protected] =>
[defaultNamespace:protected] =>
[defaultParams:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[keyRouteNames:protected] => Array
[keyRouteIds:protected] => Array
[matchedRoute:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[matches:protected] => Array
[0] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[1] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[module:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] =>
[notFoundPaths:protected] => Array
[controller] => pages
[action] => p404
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[removeExtraSlashes:protected] =>
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[1] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 1
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => frontend
[controller] => dever
[action] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/
[2] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/ajax/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[prefix:protected] => /ajax
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 2
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[action] => 1
[params] => 2
[pattern:protected] => /ajax/:action/:params
[3] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/admin/([\w0-9\_\-]+)/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 3
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => 1
[action] => 2
[params] => 3
[pattern:protected] => /admin/:controller/:action/:params
[4] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => login
[action] => index
[module] => admin
[pattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[wasMatched:protected] => 1
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[actionName:protected] => post
[activeRenderPaths:protected] =>
[basePath:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[controllerName:protected] => blog
[currentRenderLevel:protected] => 1
[disabled:protected] =>
[disabledLevels:protected] =>
[engines:protected] => Array
[.phtml] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[layout:protected] =>
[layoutsDir:protected] =>
[mainView:protected] => index
[options:protected] => Array
[params:protected] =>
[pickView:protected] =>
[partialsDir:protected] =>
[registeredEngines:protected] => Array
[.phtml] => voltService
[renderLevel:protected] => 5
[templatesAfter:protected] => Array
[templatesBefore:protected] => Array
[viewsDirs:protected] => ../app/frontend/views/
[viewParams:protected] => Array
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
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[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
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[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
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[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
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[sefurl] =>
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[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
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[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
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[sefurl] => qr-code/
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[desc] => QR_description
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[href_title] => QR_href_title
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[button_title] => QR_button_title
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[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[name] => ManagePlaylist
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[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
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[translation] => Array
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[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
[google_client_id] => 721699760415-clpsfmlpl4as53827vgmq0roppde90et.apps.googleusercontent.com
[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => cssjs
[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[t] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
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[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
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[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
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[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[activeMethodMap:protected] => Array
[index] => index
[post] => post
[actionName:protected] => post
[actionSuffix:protected] => Action
[camelCaseMap:protected] => Array
[index] => Index
[blog] => Blog
[post] => Post
[defaultNamespace:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[handlerHashes:protected] => Array
[000000000d39b184000000002b776dc9] => 1
[000000000d39b189000000002b776dc9] => 1
[handlerName:protected] => blog
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[finished:protected] => 1
[forwarded:protected] => 1
[isControllerInitialize:protected] =>
[lastHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1740489949
[no_ads] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
[firstpage] => Array
[name] => FirstPage
[action] => firstpage
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[sefurl] =>
[translation] => Array
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[desc] => FirstPage_description
[href_anchor] => FirstPage_href_anchor
[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
[qrcode] => Array
[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
[title] => QR_title
[desc] => QR_description
[href_anchor] => QR_href_anchor
[href_title] => QR_href_title
[button_anchor] => QR_button_anchor
[button_title] => QR_button_title
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[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
[post] => Array
[name] => BlogPost
[action] => post
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/iptv-vs-cable-tv-future-of-television.html
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
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[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
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[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
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[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
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[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
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[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
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[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelBinder:protected] =>
[modelBinding:protected] =>
[moduleName:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[previousActionName:protected] => index
[previousHandlerName:protected] => index
[previousNamespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[returnedValue:protected] =>
[defaultAction:protected] => index
[defaultHandler:protected] => index
[handlerSuffix:protected] => Controller
[Smart\Frontend\Controllers\IndexController] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\IndexController Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[request] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[dispatcher] => Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[activeHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1740489949
[no_ads] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
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[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
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[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
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[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
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[title] => Samsung_title
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[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
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[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
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[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
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[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
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[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
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[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
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[button_title] => Request our assistance
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
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[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[h1] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[alt] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-security.jpg
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[activeMethodMap:protected] => Array
[index] => index
[post] => post
[actionName:protected] => post
[actionSuffix:protected] => Action
[camelCaseMap:protected] => Array
[index] => Index
[blog] => Blog
[post] => Post
[defaultNamespace:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[handlerHashes:protected] => Array
[000000000d39b184000000002b776dc9] => 1
[000000000d39b189000000002b776dc9] => 1
[handlerName:protected] => blog
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[finished:protected] => 1
[forwarded:protected] => 1
[isControllerInitialize:protected] =>
[lastHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
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[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
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[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
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[desc] => Contact_description
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[button_title] => Request our assistance
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[ctype_params] =>
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[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
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[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
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[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
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[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
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[name] => Reseller
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[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
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[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
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[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
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[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
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[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
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[button_title] => Request our assistance
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[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
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[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
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[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
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[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
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[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[1] => Array
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[title] => All actions in one menu item
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[h1] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[alt] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[related_posts] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-security.jpg
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
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[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
[google_client_id] => 721699760415-clpsfmlpl4as53827vgmq0roppde90et.apps.googleusercontent.com
[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => cssjs
[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelBinder:protected] =>
[modelBinding:protected] =>
[moduleName:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[previousActionName:protected] => index
[previousHandlerName:protected] => index
[previousNamespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[returnedValue:protected] =>
[defaultAction:protected] => index
[defaultHandler:protected] => index
[handlerSuffix:protected] => Controller
[request] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelsMetadata] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[db] => Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql Object
[connectionId:protected] => 0
[descriptor:protected] => Array
[host] =>
[username] => root
[password] => Root123
[dbname] => televizio
[options] => Array
[1002] => SET NAMES utf8
[dialect:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql Object
[customFunctions:protected] =>
[escapeChar:protected] => `
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[realSqlStatement:protected] => SELECT `l`.`name` AS `lang_name`, `l`.`rtl` AS `lang_rtl`, `l`.`short` AS `lang_short`, `l`.`code` AS `lang_code`, `l`.`id` AS `lang_id`, `s`.`sefurl` AS `sefurl` FROM `smart_blog_static` AS `bs` INNER JOIN `smart_blog` AS `b` ON `b`.`ids` = `bs`.`id` AND `b`.`state` = 1 INNER JOIN `smart_sefurl` AS `s` ON `s`.`idc` = `b`.`ids` AND `s`.`ctype` = 13 AND `s`.`lang` = `b`.`lang` INNER JOIN `smart_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`id` = `s`.`lang` WHERE `bs`.`id` = '6' ORDER BY `l`.`id` ASC
[sqlBindTypes:protected] =>
[sqlStatement:protected] =>
[sqlVariables:protected] =>
[transactionLevel:protected] => 0
[transactionsWithSavepoints:protected] =>
[affectedRows:protected] =>
[pdo:protected] => PDO Object
[dialectType:protected] => mysql
[type:protected] => mysql
[cookies] => Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[cookies:protected] => Array
[registered:protected] =>
[signKey:protected] =>
[useEncryption:protected] =>
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
[google_client_id] => 721699760415-clpsfmlpl4as53827vgmq0roppde90et.apps.googleusercontent.com
[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => cssjs
[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1740489949
[no_ads] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
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[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[name] => ManagePlaylist
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[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
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[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
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[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[id] => 5
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
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[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
[id] => 8
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
[id] => 2
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
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[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[voltService] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[compiledTemplatePath:protected] =>
[currentBlock:protected] =>
[currentPath:protected] => ../app/frontend/views/blog/post.phtml
[exprLevel:protected] => 0
[extended:protected] =>
[extensions:protected] =>
[extendedBlocks:protected] =>
[filters:protected] =>
[foreachLevel:protected] => 0
[forElsePointers:protected] =>
[functions:protected] =>
[level:protected] => 0
[loopPointers:protected] =>
[macros:protected] =>
[options:protected] => Array
[always] => 1
[extension] => .volt
[separator] => _
[stat] =>
[path] => ../app/storage/cache/volt/
[prefix] =>
[prefix:protected] =>
[view:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[services:protected] => Array
[annotations] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter\Memory
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[assets] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Assets\Manager
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[crypt] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Crypt
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[cookies] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[cookies:protected] => Array
[registered:protected] =>
[signKey:protected] =>
[useEncryption:protected] =>
[dispatcher] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[escaper] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Escaper
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[eventsManager] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Events\Manager
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[flash] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Flash\Direct
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[flashSession] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Flash\Session
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[filter] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Filter Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[absint] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\AbsInt
[alnum] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Alnum
[alpha] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Alpha
[bool] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\BoolVal
[email] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Email
[float] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\FloatVal
[int] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\IntVal
[lower] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Lower
[lowerFirst] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\LowerFirst
[regex] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Regex
[remove] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Remove
[replace] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Replace
[special] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Special
[specialFull] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\SpecialFull
[string] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\StringVal
[striptags] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Striptags
[trim] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Trim
[upper] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Upper
[upperFirst] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\UpperFirst
[upperWords] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\UpperWords
[url] => Phalcon\Filter\Sanitize\Url
[services:protected] => Array
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelsMetadata] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[request] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Request
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[response] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Http\Response
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[router] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[action:protected] => index
[controller:protected] => index
[defaultAction:protected] =>
[defaultController:protected] =>
[defaultModule:protected] =>
[defaultNamespace:protected] =>
[defaultParams:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[keyRouteNames:protected] => Array
[keyRouteIds:protected] => Array
[matchedRoute:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[matches:protected] => Array
[0] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[1] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[module:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] =>
[notFoundPaths:protected] => Array
[controller] => pages
[action] => p404
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[removeExtraSlashes:protected] =>
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[1] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 1
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => frontend
[controller] => dever
[action] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/
[2] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/ajax/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[prefix:protected] => /ajax
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 2
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[action] => 1
[params] => 2
[pattern:protected] => /ajax/:action/:params
[3] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/admin/([\w0-9\_\-]+)/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 3
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => 1
[action] => 2
[params] => 3
[pattern:protected] => /admin/:controller/:action/:params
[4] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => login
[action] => index
[module] => admin
[pattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[wasMatched:protected] => 1
[security] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Security
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[tag] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Tag
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[transactionManager] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Manager
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[url] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Phalcon\Url
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[db] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql Object
[connectionId:protected] => 0
[descriptor:protected] => Array
[host] =>
[username] => root
[password] => Root123
[dbname] => televizio
[options] => Array
[1002] => SET NAMES utf8
[dialect:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql Object
[customFunctions:protected] =>
[escapeChar:protected] => `
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[realSqlStatement:protected] => SELECT `l`.`name` AS `lang_name`, `l`.`rtl` AS `lang_rtl`, `l`.`short` AS `lang_short`, `l`.`code` AS `lang_code`, `l`.`id` AS `lang_id`, `s`.`sefurl` AS `sefurl` FROM `smart_blog_static` AS `bs` INNER JOIN `smart_blog` AS `b` ON `b`.`ids` = `bs`.`id` AND `b`.`state` = 1 INNER JOIN `smart_sefurl` AS `s` ON `s`.`idc` = `b`.`ids` AND `s`.`ctype` = 13 AND `s`.`lang` = `b`.`lang` INNER JOIN `smart_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`id` = `s`.`lang` WHERE `bs`.`id` = '6' ORDER BY `l`.`id` ASC
[sqlBindTypes:protected] =>
[sqlStatement:protected] =>
[sqlVariables:protected] =>
[transactionLevel:protected] => 0
[transactionsWithSavepoints:protected] =>
[affectedRows:protected] =>
[pdo:protected] => PDO Object
[dialectType:protected] => mysql
[type:protected] => mysql
[cache] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[modelsCache] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] =>
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[config] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[voltService] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[static] => Array
[di] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[parameter] => Array
[$view] =>
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] => 1
[sharedInstance:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[view] => Phalcon\Di\Service Object
[definition:protected] => Closure Object
[this] => Smart\Frontend\Module Object
[resolved:protected] => 1
[shared:protected] =>
[sharedInstance:protected] =>
[sharedInstances:protected] => Array
[router] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[action:protected] => index
[controller:protected] => index
[defaultAction:protected] =>
[defaultController:protected] =>
[defaultModule:protected] =>
[defaultNamespace:protected] =>
[defaultParams:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[keyRouteNames:protected] => Array
[keyRouteIds:protected] => Array
[matchedRoute:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[matches:protected] => Array
[0] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[1] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[module:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] =>
[notFoundPaths:protected] => Array
[controller] => pages
[action] => p404
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[removeExtraSlashes:protected] =>
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/(.*)$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 0
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => index
[action] => index
[module] => frontend
[sefurl] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /(.*)
[1] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 1
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => frontend
[controller] => dever
[action] => 1
[pattern:protected] => /dever/([a-z]{2,}?)/
[2] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/ajax/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[prefix:protected] => /ajax
[routes:protected] => Array
[0] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 2
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => ajax
[module] => frontend
[action] => 1
[params] => 2
[pattern:protected] => /ajax/:action/:params
[3] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => #^/admin/([\w0-9\_\-]+)/([\w0-9\_\-]+)(/.*)*$#u
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 3
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => 1
[action] => 2
[params] => 3
[pattern:protected] => /admin/:controller/:action/:params
[4] => Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route Object
[beforeMatch:protected] =>
[compiledPattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[converters:protected] =>
[group:protected] =>
[hostname:protected] =>
[id:protected] => 4
[methods:protected] =>
[match:protected] =>
[name:protected] =>
[paths:protected] => Array
[controller] => login
[action] => index
[module] => admin
[pattern:protected] => /admin/login/
[wasMatched:protected] => 1
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[dispatcher] => Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[activeHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
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[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
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[no_ads] =>
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[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
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[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
[action] => firstpage
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] =>
[translation] => Array
[title] => FirstPage_title
[desc] => FirstPage_description
[href_anchor] => FirstPage_href_anchor
[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
[title] => QR_title
[desc] => QR_description
[href_anchor] => QR_href_anchor
[href_title] => QR_href_title
[button_anchor] => QR_button_anchor
[button_title] => QR_button_title
[privacy] => Array
[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
[post] => Array
[name] => BlogPost
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[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/iptv-vs-cable-tv-future-of-television.html
[translation] => Array
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[desc] => BlogPost_description
[href_anchor] => BlogPost_href_anchor
[href_title] => BlogPost_href_title
[button_anchor] => BlogPost_button_anchor
[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
[list] => Array
[name] => Blog
[action] => list
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[button_anchor] => Blog_button_anchor
[button_title] => Blog_button_title
[modification] => Array
[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
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[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
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[data:protected] => Array
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[data:protected] => Array
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[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
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[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
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[1] => 1
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[3] => modification
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[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
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[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
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[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
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[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
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[eventsManager:protected] =>
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[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
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[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
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[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
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[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
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[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
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[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
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[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
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[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
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[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
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[type] => 355
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[type] => 258
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
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[type] => 266
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[type] => 258
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[2] => Array
[type] => 360
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[type] => 355
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[type] => 355
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[type] => 61
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[type] => 355
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[domain] => s
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[type] => 61
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[type] => 274
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[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[activeMethodMap:protected] => Array
[index] => index
[post] => post
[actionName:protected] => post
[actionSuffix:protected] => Action
[camelCaseMap:protected] => Array
[index] => Index
[blog] => Blog
[post] => Post
[defaultNamespace:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[handlerHashes:protected] => Array
[000000000d39b184000000002b776dc9] => 1
[000000000d39b189000000002b776dc9] => 1
[handlerName:protected] => blog
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[finished:protected] => 1
[forwarded:protected] => 1
[isControllerInitialize:protected] =>
[lastHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1740489949
[no_ads] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
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[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
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[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
[title] => QR_title
[desc] => QR_description
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[href_title] => QR_href_title
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[button_title] => QR_button_title
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[name] => Privacy
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
[post] => Array
[name] => BlogPost
[action] => post
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/iptv-vs-cable-tv-future-of-television.html
[translation] => Array
[title] => BlogPost_title
[desc] => BlogPost_description
[href_anchor] => BlogPost_href_anchor
[href_title] => BlogPost_href_title
[button_anchor] => BlogPost_button_anchor
[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
[list] => Array
[name] => Blog
[action] => list
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[button_anchor] => Blog_button_anchor
[button_title] => Blog_button_title
[modification] => Array
[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[qrcode_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
[google_client_id] => 721699760415-clpsfmlpl4as53827vgmq0roppde90et.apps.googleusercontent.com
[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => cssjs
[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
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[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
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[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
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[Smart\Frontend\Controllers\IndexController] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\IndexController Object
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[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
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[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[activeHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
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[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] =>
[translation] => Array
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[desc] => FirstPage_description
[href_anchor] => FirstPage_href_anchor
[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
[success] => Array
[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
[title] => QR_title
[desc] => QR_description
[href_anchor] => QR_href_anchor
[href_title] => QR_href_title
[button_anchor] => QR_button_anchor
[button_title] => QR_button_title
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[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
[post] => Array
[name] => BlogPost
[action] => post
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/iptv-vs-cable-tv-future-of-television.html
[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => BlogPost_href_title
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[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[button_anchor] => Blog_button_anchor
[button_title] => Blog_button_title
[modification] => Array
[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[view] => Phalcon\Mvc\View Object
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
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[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
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[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[activeMethodMap:protected] => Array
[index] => index
[post] => post
[actionName:protected] => post
[actionSuffix:protected] => Action
[camelCaseMap:protected] => Array
[index] => Index
[blog] => Blog
[post] => Post
[defaultNamespace:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[handlerHashes:protected] => Array
[000000000d39b184000000002b776dc9] => 1
[000000000d39b189000000002b776dc9] => 1
[handlerName:protected] => blog
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[finished:protected] => 1
[forwarded:protected] => 1
[isControllerInitialize:protected] =>
[lastHandler:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
[language] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row Object
[id] => 1
[name] => English
[code] => en-EN
[short] => en
[rtl] => 0
[meta] => english
[params] =>
[ctype] => Array
[id] => 13
[name] => BlogPost
[controller] => blog
[action] => post
[slug] => blog
[state] => 1
[tvid] =>
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[parameters] => Array
[gtm] => GTM-58N24HTF
[server] => Array
[USER] => www-data
[HOME] => /var/www
[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
[HTTP_CF_VISITOR] => {"scheme":"https"}
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => */*
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
[HTTP_HOST] => mytv.best
[HTTP_CF_RAY] => 91780605fc31feda-FRA
[SERVER_NAME] => mytv.best
[REMOTE_PORT] => 23640
[SERVER_SOFTWARE] => nginx/1.18.0
[DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/public
[DOCUMENT_URI] => /index.php
[REQUEST_URI] => /blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php
[SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/public/index.php
[PHP_SELF] => /index.php
[REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1740489949.1851
[REQUEST_TIME] => 1740489949
[no_ads] =>
[is_mobile] =>
[query] =>
[translation_array] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
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[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
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[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
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[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
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[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
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[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
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[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
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[button_title] => Blog_button_title
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[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
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[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelBinder:protected] =>
[modelBinding:protected] =>
[moduleName:protected] => frontend
[namespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[params:protected] => Array
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
[previousActionName:protected] => index
[previousHandlerName:protected] => index
[previousNamespaceName:protected] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers
[returnedValue:protected] =>
[defaultAction:protected] => index
[defaultHandler:protected] => index
[handlerSuffix:protected] => Controller
[request] => Phalcon\Http\Request Object
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[filterService:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[httpMethodParameterOverride:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[queryFilters:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] => Array
[putCache:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[rawBody:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[strictHostCheck:Phalcon\Http\Request:private] =>
[modelsManager] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[aliases:protected] => Array
[behaviors:protected] => Array
[belongsTo:protected] => Array
[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
[initialized:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
[smart\models\domain] => 1
[smart\models\ctype] => 1
[smart\models\languages] => 1
[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
[keepSnapshots:protected] => Array
[lastInitialized:protected] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[lastQuery:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query Object
[ast:protected] => Array
[type] => 309
[select] => Array
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[tables] => Array
[qualifiedName] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => s
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => l
[conditions] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 274
[value] => ids
[orderBy] => Array
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[sort] => 327
[id] => 11
[bindParams:protected] =>
[bindTypes:protected] =>
[cache:protected] =>
[cacheOptions:protected] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[enableImplicitJoins:protected] => 1
[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
[2] => bs
[columns] => Array
[lang_name] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_name
[sqlAlias] => lang_name
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => name
[balias] => name
[lang_rtl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[modelsMetadata] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
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[6] => state
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[4] => rtl
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[12] => Array
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[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[db] => Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql Object
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[dialect:protected] => Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Mysql Object
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[sqlBindTypes:protected] =>
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
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[data:protected] => Array
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[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
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[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
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[7] => 7
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[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController] => Smart\Frontend\Controllers\BlogController Object
[get_router_info] => Array
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[id] => 1
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[meta] => english
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[tvid] =>
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[HTTP_CDN_LOOP] => cloudflare; loops=1
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[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
[idc] => 6
[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
[action] => firstpage
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] =>
[translation] => Array
[title] => FirstPage_title
[desc] => FirstPage_description
[href_anchor] => FirstPage_href_anchor
[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
[button_anchor] => FirstPage_button_anchor
[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
[translation] => Array
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[href_anchor] => QR_href_anchor
[href_title] => QR_href_title
[button_anchor] => QR_button_anchor
[button_title] => QR_button_title
[privacy] => Array
[name] => Privacy
[action] => privacy
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
[post] => Array
[name] => BlogPost
[action] => post
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => blog/iptv-vs-cable-tv-future-of-television.html
[translation] => Array
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[href_title] => BlogPost_href_title
[button_anchor] => BlogPost_button_anchor
[button_title] => BlogPost_button_title
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[name] => Blog
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[sefurl] => blog/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Blog_title
[desc] => Blog_description
[href_anchor] => Articles
[href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[button_anchor] => Blog_button_anchor
[button_title] => Blog_button_title
[modification] => Array
[name] => Modification
[action] => modification
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => modification/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Modification_title
[desc] => Modification_description
[href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[button_anchor] => Modification_button_anchor
[button_title] => Modification_button_title
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
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[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
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[data:protected] => Array
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[data:protected] => Array
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[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[data:protected] => Array
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[insensitive:protected] => 1
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[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
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[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
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[1] => 1
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[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
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[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
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[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[belongsToSingle:protected] => Array
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[customEventsManager:protected] => Array
[dynamicUpdate:protected] => Array
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[hasMany:protected] => Array
[hasManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasManyToMany:protected] => Array
[hasManyToManySingle:protected] => Array
[hasOne:protected] => Array
[hasOneSingle:protected] => Array
[hasOneThrough:protected] => Array
[hasOneThroughSingle:protected] => Array
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[smart\models\sefurl] => 1
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[smart\models\menu] => 1
[smart\models\blog] => 1
[smart\models\blogstatic] => 1
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[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
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[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
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[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
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[0] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
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[alias] => lang_name
[1] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[alias] => lang_rtl
[2] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[alias] => lang_short
[3] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[alias] => lang_code
[4] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[alias] => lang_id
[5] => Array
[type] => 354
[column] => Array
[type] => 355
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[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[alias] => bs
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => 360
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[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Blog
[alias] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => b
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[type] => 61
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[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
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[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => 258
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
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[type] => 355
[name] => s
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
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[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
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[right] => Array
[type] => 266
[left] => Array
[type] => 258
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[right] => Array
[type] => 355
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[name] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => 360
[qualified] => Array
[type] => 355
[name] => Smart\Models\Languages
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[type] => 355
[name] => l
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
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[name] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => 355
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
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[type] => 61
[left] => Array
[type] => 355
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[name] => id
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[type] => 274
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[type] => 355
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[name] => id
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[bindParams:protected] =>
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[intermediate:protected] => Array
[models] => Array
[0] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[tables] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => smart_blog_static
[1] =>
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[column] => Array
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[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_rtl
[sqlAlias] => lang_rtl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => rtl
[balias] => rtl
[lang_short] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_short
[sqlAlias] => lang_short
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => short
[balias] => short
[lang_code] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_code
[sqlAlias] => lang_code
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => code
[balias] => code
[lang_id] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => lang_id
[sqlAlias] => lang_id
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[sefurl] => Array
[type] => scalar
[balias] => sefurl
[sqlAlias] => sefurl
[column] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => sefurl
[balias] => sefurl
[joins] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_blog
[1] =>
[2] => b
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => state
[balias] => state
[right] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 1
[1] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_sefurl
[1] =>
[2] => s
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => idc
[balias] => idc
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => ids
[balias] => ids
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => ctype
[balias] => ctype
[right] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => AND
[left] => Array
[type] => literal
[value] => 13
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => b
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[2] => Array
[type] => INNER
[source] => Array
[0] => smart_languages
[1] =>
[2] => l
[conditions] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => s
[name] => lang
[balias] => lang
[where] => Array
[type] => binary-op
[op] => =
[left] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => bs
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[right] => Array
[type] => placeholder
[value] => :ids
[order] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => qualified
[domain] => l
[name] => id
[balias] => id
[1] => ASC
[manager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[metaData:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Memory Object
[adapter:protected] =>
[columnMap:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\domain] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\ctype] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\languages] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\menu] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blog] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[smart\models\blogstatic] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[metaData:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl-smart_sefurl] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => sefurl
[2] => lang
[3] => ctype
[4] => idc
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => sefurl
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[3] => idc
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => lang
[2] => ctype
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 26
[ctype] => 0
[idc] => 0
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[sefurl] => 2
[lang] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[idc] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[sefurl] =>
[idc] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\domain-smart_domain] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => domain
[1] => parameters
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => domain
[2] => parameters
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[domain] => 2
[parameters] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[smart\models\ctype-smart_ctype] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => slug
[3] => controller
[4] => action
[5] => state
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => slug
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => controller
[3] => action
[4] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[slug] => 2
[controller] => 2
[action] => 2
[state] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[slug] =>
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\languages-smart_languages] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => params
[7] => state
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => code
[2] => short
[3] => rtl
[4] => meta
[5] => params
[6] => state
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => code
[3] => short
[4] => rtl
[5] => meta
[6] => state
[4] => Array
[id] => 26
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 26
[meta] => 2
[params] => 6
[state] => 26
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[rtl] => 1
[state] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => 2
[code] => 2
[short] => 2
[rtl] => 1
[meta] => 2
[params] => 2
[state] => 1
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[rtl] => 0
[params] =>
[13] => Array
[smart\models\menu-smart_menu] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[1] => Array
[0] => id
[2] => Array
[0] => type
[1] => ctype
[2] => state
[3] => name
[4] => ordering
[5] => params
[3] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => type
[2] => ctype
[3] => state
[4] => name
[5] => ordering
[6] => params
[4] => Array
[id] => 0
[type] => 26
[ctype] => 26
[state] => 26
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 26
[params] => 6
[5] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[ordering] => 1
[8] => id
[9] => Array
[id] => 1
[type] => 1
[ctype] => 1
[state] => 1
[name] => 2
[ordering] => 1
[params] => 2
[10] => Array
[11] => Array
[12] => Array
[13] => Array
[strategy:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData\Strategy\Introspection Object
[models:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[modelsInstances:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Blog] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[Smart\Models\Languages] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[nestingLevel:protected] => -1
[phql:protected] => SELECT l.name as lang_name,l.rtl as lang_rtl,l.short as lang_short,l.code as lang_code,l.id as lang_id,s.sefurl
FROM Smart\Models\BlogStatic as bs
join Smart\Models\Blog as b on b.ids=bs.id and b.state=1
JOIN Smart\Models\Sefurl as s on s.idc=b.ids and s.ctype=13 and s.lang=b.lang
join Smart\Models\Languages as l on l.id=s.lang where bs.id=:ids: order by l.id asc
[sharedLock:protected] =>
[sqlAliases:protected] => Array
[bs] => bs
[b] => b
[s] => s
[l] => l
[sqlAliasesModels:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages
[sqlAliasesModelsInstances:protected] => Array
[bs] => Smart\Models\BlogStatic Object
[id] =>
[title_static] =>
[url_constant] =>
[state] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[b] => Smart\Models\Blog Object
[id] =>
[ids] =>
[title] =>
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] =>
[fulltext] =>
[state] =>
[created] =>
[created_by] =>
[modified] =>
[modified_by] =>
[metakey] =>
[metadesc] =>
[params] =>
[lang] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[s] => Smart\Models\Sefurl Object
[id] =>
[ctype] =>
[lang] =>
[idc] =>
[sefurl] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[l] => Smart\Models\Languages Object
[id] =>
[name] =>
[code] =>
[short] =>
[rtl] =>
[meta] =>
[params] =>
[container:protected] => Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault Object
[dirtyState:protected] => 1
[dirtyRelated:protected] => Array
[errorMessages:protected] => Array
[modelsManager:protected] => Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager Object
[modelsMetaData:protected] =>
[related:protected] => Array
[operationMade:protected] => 0
[oldSnapshot:protected] => Array
[skipped:protected] =>
[snapshot:protected] =>
[transaction:protected] =>
[uniqueKey:protected] =>
[uniqueParams:protected] =>
[uniqueTypes:protected] =>
[sqlColumnAliases:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[lang_name] => 1
[lang_rtl] => 1
[lang_short] => 1
[lang_code] => 1
[lang_id] => 1
[sqlModelsAliases:protected] => Array
[Smart\Models\BlogStatic] => bs
[Smart\Models\Blog] => b
[Smart\Models\Sefurl] => s
[Smart\Models\Languages] => l
[type:protected] => 309
[uniqueRow:protected] =>
[_transaction:protected] =>
[modelVisibility:protected] => Array
[prefix:protected] =>
[readConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[sources:protected] => Array
[smart\models\sefurl] => smart_sefurl
[smart\models\domain] => smart_domain
[smart\models\ctype] => smart_ctype
[smart\models\languages] => smart_languages
[smart\models\menu] => smart_menu
[smart\models\blog] => smart_blog
[smart\models\blogstatic] => smart_blog_static
[schemas:protected] => Array
[writeConnectionServices:protected] => Array
[reusable:protected] => Array
[voltService] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[actionName:protected] => post
[activeRenderPaths:protected] =>
[basePath:protected] =>
[content:protected] =>
[controllerName:protected] => blog
[currentRenderLevel:protected] => 1
[disabled:protected] =>
[disabledLevels:protected] =>
[engines:protected] => Array
[.phtml] => Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt Object
[eventsManager:protected] =>
[layout:protected] =>
[layoutsDir:protected] =>
[mainView:protected] => index
[options:protected] => Array
[params:protected] =>
[pickView:protected] =>
[partialsDir:protected] =>
[registeredEngines:protected] => Array
[.phtml] => voltService
[renderLevel:protected] => 5
[templatesAfter:protected] => Array
[templatesBefore:protected] => Array
[viewsDirs:protected] => ../app/frontend/views/
[viewParams:protected] => Array
[config] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[front] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/main.min.css
[js] => js/app1.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[admin] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[css] => css/admin.min.css
[js] => dXpuYXl2c2U/bundle.js
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[css] => css
[js] => js
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[front] => front
[admin] => admin
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[recaptcha_key_secret] => 6LcTl3sjAAAAAITWZW4Y875C1FBtprp3fNmjTiDj
[cloud_smarttv_token] => eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyIjoidXNlcjEyMyJ9.ztvLMM71Nlju49DFMVY43cjmXs0ZKQi8K1QipLKhBOY
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => https://app.backtv.cloud/api/usr
[success_actions] => Phalcon\Config Object
[data:protected] => Array
[0] => upload
[1] => delete
[2] => prolong
[3] => contact
[4] => success
[5] => update
[6] => reseller
[7] => synclist
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
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[data:protected] => Array
[0] => delete
[1] => update
[2] => upload
[3] => modification
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[google_refresh_token] => 1//09WPsZKxhrp6ACgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrJyAJ7_D3MymAHAq1ylSI_au3Sv0BK_LqhK0ESS60xvkYgfgLJIBJz-AKBeskkjd2p60
[google_client_id] => 721699760415-clpsfmlpl4as53827vgmq0roppde90et.apps.googleusercontent.com
[google_client_secret] => 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
[insensitive:protected] => 1
[lowerKeys:protected] => Array
[cssjs] => cssjs
[recaptcha_key_secret] => recaptcha_key_secret
[cloud_smarttv_token] => cloud_smarttv_token
[cloud_smarttv_url_base] => cloud_smarttv_url_base
[success_actions] => success_actions
[qrcode_actions] => qrcode_actions
[google_refresh_token] => google_refresh_token
[google_client_id] => google_client_id
[google_client_secret] => google_client_secret
[pathDelimiter:protected] =>
[t] => Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray Object
[defaultInterpolator:protected] => associativeArray
[interpolatorFactory:protected] => Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorFactory Object
[mapper:protected] => Array
[associativeArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\AssociativeArray
[indexedArray] => Phalcon\Translate\Interpolator\IndexedArray
[services:protected] => Array
[translate:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] => Array
[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
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[FAQ_href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[FAQ_href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[DownloadApp_href_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[DownloadApp_button_anchor] => Download App
[DownloadApp_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[UploadPlaylist_href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[UploadPlaylist_button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[UploadPlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[DeletePlaylist_href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[DeletePlaylist_button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[DeletePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[Prolong_href_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_href_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[Prolong_button_anchor] => Prolong
[Prolong_button_title] => Learn how to prolong your free trial period
[UpdatePlaylist_href_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[UpdatePlaylist_button_anchor] => Update playlist
[UpdatePlaylist_button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[Contact_href_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_href_title] => Contact us
[Contact_button_anchor] => Contact us
[Contact_button_title] => Request our assistance
[LG_href_anchor] => LG
[LG_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[LG_button_anchor] => LG
[LG_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[Samsung_href_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Samsung_button_anchor] => Samsung
[Samsung_button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[Privacy_href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[Privacy_button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[Privacy_button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[TermsOfUse_href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[TermsOfUse_button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[Reseller_href_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Reseller_button_anchor] => Partnership
[Reseller_button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[Contribute_href_anchor] => Donations
[Contribute_href_title] => Support free software development
[My_account_href_anchor] => My account
[Meta.FirstPage_title] => The Best Smart TV Application - A Smarter Way To Watch TV
[Meta.FirstPage_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FirstPage_h1] => Design your dream
[FirstPage_subslogan] => A smarter way to watch TV
[FirstPage_about_application_header] => Smart TV Application that is FREE, RELIABLE and EASY TO USE
[FirstPage_about_application_first_block] => MyTv BEST APP is one of the most popular, reliable and easy to use Smart TV applications. We created an outstanding product that helps you watch your favourite TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet streaming process
[FirstPage_about_application_second_block] => Almost all Smart TVs have a selection of pre-loaded apps, but most Smart TVs allow viewers to add more.
[FirstPage_about_application_third_block] => In just a few steps, you can watch your favourite channels with your family by adding the MyTv BEST APP for FREE.
[FirstPage_why_choose_header] => Why choose MyTv BEST
[FirstPage_why_choose_a_lot_of_reasons] => Well, lots of reasons, but most importantly because
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_heading] => Simple and convenient interface
[FirstPage_why_choose_first_text] => MyTv BEST Interface is very handy. If you have ever used Youtube or any other Apps for Smart TV you will find our APP very comfortable and convenient
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_heading] => Intuitive controls
[FirstPage_why_choose_second_text] => MyTv BEST is very easy to use. You can easily navigate through the channels and categories. You can also use the search function to find your favourite channels
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_heading] => Endless entertainment
[FirstPage_why_choose_third_text] => Discover your favourite movies, shows and music in a whole new way with MyTv BEST. Design your dreams with the smarter way of watching TV
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_heading] => Fast connection
[FirstPage_why_choose_four_text] => Instead of receiving TV programs as broadcast signals that enter your home from a rooftop antenna or satellite dish, you get them streamed through your Internet connection
[FirstPage_how_to_find_application] => How to Find Smart TV Club APP
[FirstPage_install_heading] => MyTv BEST Application Installations
[FirstPage_install_comming_soon] => Comming soon
[FirstPage_faq_heading] => Frequently asked questions
[FirstPage_getapp_today_heading] => Get the app today
[FirstPage_getapp_slogan] => Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via MyTv BEST Application
[FirstPage_getapp_subslogan] => One of the best Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use
[Meta.DownloadApp_title] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.DownloadApp_description] =>
[Meta.DownloadApp_h1] => Download MyTv BEST Application
[Download_installation_easy] => Installing MyTv BEST APP on your SMART TV device is very easy
[Download_choose_tv_brand] => Just click on the corresponding to your SMART TV Brand
[Download_free_charge_service] => MyTv BEST is a FREE of charge service. There are NO hidden costs or charges. We developed an outstanding product. Feel free to use it and recommend it to your friends while it is still 100% FREE
[Download_ps] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, Smart TV CLUB doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UploadPlaylist_h1] => Upload Channels
[Upload_disclaimer] => Just like any typical Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST doesn't provide its own channels or playlists. Instead, you can stream the channels you already have access to. To do this, simply import your channel playlists from your content providers' subscription using an EPG URL, M3U URL, or a playlist file saved in your local storage
[Upload_instructions_heading] => Instructions
[Upload_instructions_use_device_id] => Use the Device ID that you see at your MyTv BEST APP screen to activate your device
[Upload_instructions_choose_country] => Choose your country
[Upload_instructions_upload_file_or_url] => Upload your M3U playlist using the Choose FILE button OR specify M3U URL ( there is no need to specify both of them)
[Upload_instructions_press_submit_button] => Press the Submit button
[Upload_instructions_press_restart_button] => Press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Red button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_updating_heading] => Updating an existing playlist
[Upload_instructions_if_you_want_update] => If you would like to update/replace your existing playlist with a new one, you should follow steps 1-4 from instruction above
[Upload_instructions_update_next_step] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Upload_instructions_press_blue_restart_button] => In the Settings menu press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.Modification_title] => Playlist modification of the MyTv BEST Application
[Meta.Modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Modification_h1] => Playlist modification
[Modification_href_anchor] => Manage playlilst
[Modification_href_title] => All actions in one menu item
[Modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[Modification_upload] => Upload new playlist
[Modification_parental] => Parental control
[Modification_cleaning_groups] => Cleaning groups
[Modification_delete_playlist] => Delete playlist
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.DeletePlaylist_h1] => Delete Playlist
[Delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Delete_if_you_want] => You might want to delete your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning
[Delete_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to delete your playlist
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.UpdatePlaylist_h1] => Update Channels
[Update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Update_if_you_want] => You might want to update your playlists because they don’t fit to your channel anymore, or maybe you finished watching them, or you might just want to do a little cleaning or upgrade
[Update_is_pretty_simple] => It’s pretty simple to do. Please use the bellow form to update your playlist
[Meta.Reseller_title] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Meta.Reseller_description] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Meta.Reseller_h1] => What is Smart TV Club Reseller Programme?
[Reseller_text] => Become an Smart TV Club Reseller is extremely easy. Please write us now to unlock the flexible bulk payments and attractive discounts
[Contribute_greeting] => MyTv BEST is an absolutely free extension for everyone. Currently we covering the development costs from our own pocket. If you can make a donation of any amount it would be extremely appreciated! Securely via PayPal. Contribute securely via PayPal to our email address: info@smarttv.club. You don’t need to create a PayPal account
[Contribute_disclaimer_badge] => Important
[Contribute_disclaimer] => Please DO NOT contribute if you DONT have any playlists to use our APP, since we DONT OFFER ANY PLAYLISTS and will NOT BE ABLE to help you with getting one
[Contribute_click_paypal] => Click the paypal button to proceed
[Contribute_huge_thank] => A huge tnank you to all of these people for their contributions
[Contribute_not_anonymous] => If you wish your contribution to remain anonymous please state that when you donate. As a bonus, each Contributor will receive
[Contribute_priority_support] => Priority to get support via email from the Smart TV Club team
[Contribute_direct_link] => Your full name and a link to your bio, blog, facebook page, business, etc will be added to the supporters section on this page.(We reserve the right not to place a link to your bio, blog, etc, which, in our sole discretion, do not conform to our criteria
[Meta.Contribute_title] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_h1] => Contribute
[Meta.Contribute_description] => Please support free software development make Smart TV Club better and free
[LG_Smart_TV_greetings] => LG offers you access to new world of entertainment with LG Smart TV webOS apps
[LG_One_step] => Press the Home/Smart button on your remote to bring up your launcher
[LG_Two_step] => Click the More Apps Button
[LG_Three_step] => Open the LG Content Store App
[LG_Four_step] => Navigate to the app store
[LG_Five_step] => Browse the app store
[LG_Six_step] => Find “MyTv BEST” app in the LG Content Store, then choose Install
[LG_reamore_link] => Read more granular instructions here
[Meta.LG_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the LG TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now
[Meta.LG_h1] => Smart TV Application for LG
[Meta.LG_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for LG
[Samsung_Smart_TV_greetings] => Samsung offers you the best of local and international streaming TV apps for a modern, no hassle home entertainment experience
[Samsung_One_step] => Press the Smart Hub button from your remote
[Samsung_Two_step] => Select Apps
[Samsung_Three_step] => Search for the MyTv BEST app you want to install by selecting Magnifying glass icon
[Samsung_Four_step] => Type “MyTv BEST”
[Samsung_Five_step] => Select Download
[Samsung_Six_step] => Once the download completes, select Open to use your new app
[Meta.Samsung_title] => The Best Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.Samsung_description] => MyTv BEST Application is One of the Best Streaming TV apps on the Samsung TV app store, that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows now!
[Meta.Samsung_h1] => Smart TV Application for Samsung
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_title] => Smart TV Club application playlist manager
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_description] => On this page you can select the groups of channels that you want to delete from the Smart TV Club application
[Meta.ManagePlaylist_h1] => Playlist Manager
[Meta.FAQ_title] => Smart TV FAQ
[Meta.FAQ_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.FAQ_h1] => Questions and Answers
[Meta.Contact_title] => Contact Us
[Meta.Contact_description] => Smart TV Club Customer Service
[Meta.Contact_h1] => Contact Us
[Prolong_hard_work] => At Smart TV Club, we work hard to build a product that exceeds expectations
[Prolong_protecting_system] => In particular, we put lots of effort into protecting our ecosystem from malicious activity like DDoS attacks, malicious bots, and other nefarious intrusions
[Prolong_can_support] => Active license holders within the Smart TV Club community play a vital role in supporting our operations, as we have financial commitments to third-party services that maintain the security of our ecosystem. We highly encourage you to subscribe for an active license, which enables our automated verification process and eliminates the need for manual daily routines.
[Prolong_daily_verification] => While the FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification
[Prolong_use_this_form] => Please use the following form to verify the access
[Prolong_please_note] => It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Prolong_still_not] => Still Hesitating to Obtain a License?
[Prolong_many_challenges] => Several challenges, such as financial limitations, impact our product's development. We're committed to creating a universal, high-quality app for all devices and regions. Buying a license supports us in maintaining steady revenue streams and ensures customers enjoy consistent access to content and products.
[Prolong_if_you_change] => In case you change your mind one day, we would like to remind you that the following powerful features are available for Smart TV Club community members
[Meta.Prolong_title] => Prolong your free trial
[Meta.Prolong_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Prolong_h1] => Prolong your free trial
[QR_delete_greetings] => Dear friend, little cleaning is always good
[QR_delete_text] => Press the “Express deleting” button to start a quick removal process
[QR_delete_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_delete_anchor] => Express deleting
[QR_delete_title] => Express deleting
[QR_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[QR_update_text] => Press the “Express updating” button to start a quick update process
[QR_update_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_update_anchor] => Express updating
[QR_update_title] => Express updating
[QR_upload_greetings] => Thank you for choosing our product
[QR_upload_text] => Press the “Express Activation” button to activate your APP
[QR_upload_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_upload_anchor] => Express Activation
[QR_upload_title] => Express Activation
[QR_modification_greetings] => Let's begin our modification
[QR_modification_text] => Press the “Express Modification” button to start a quick modification process
[QR_modification_disclaimer] => Similar to any other Smart TV Application, MyTv BEST does not offer any channels or playlists of its own
[QR_modification_anchor] => Express Modification
[QR_modification_title] => Express Modification
[Meta.QR_upload_h1] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_title] => Activating your APP
[Meta.QR_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_update_h1] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_title] => Updating your playlist
[Meta.QR_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_delete_h1] => Deleting your playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_title] => Deleting you playlist
[Meta.QR_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.QR_modification_h1] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_title] => Playlist Modification
[Meta.QR_modification_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Success_upload_h1] => Your list has been activated successfully
[Meta.Success_upload_title] => Upload Your Channels
[Meta.Success_upload_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_upload_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_upload_text] => Your playlist has been successfully uploaded
[Success_upload_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_update_h1] => Your list has been updated successfully
[Meta.Success_update_title] => Update Channels
[Meta.Success_update_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_update_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_update_text] => Your list has been successfully updated
[Success_update_continue_using] => Please go back to your SMART TV to enjoy watching your favourite shows, tv channels and movies
[Meta.Success_delete_h1] => Your list has been deleted successfully
[Meta.Success_delete_title] => Delete Channels
[Meta.Success_delete_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Success_delete_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_delete_text] => Your list has been successfully deleted
[Success_delete_continue_using] => Please upload your new playlists to continue using the app
[Meta.Success_prolong_h1] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_title] => Prolong Successfull
[Meta.Success_prolong_description] =>
[Success_prolong_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_prolong_text] => Verification successful
[Success_prolong_continue_using] => Please enjoy watching your favourite channels and shows
[Success_prolong_attention] => We would like to remind that the manual verification is an ongoing process that requires your daily attention
[Success_prolong_however] => On the other hand, those who hold an active Smart TV Club license can access our automated third-party verification process, which is not available to others
[Meta.Success_contact_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_contact_description] =>
[Success_contact_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_contact_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_contact_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_reseller_h1] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_title] => Your message has been sent
[Meta.Success_reseller_description] =>
[Success_reseller_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_reseller_text] => Your your message has been sent successfully
[Success_reseller_continue_using] => We will reply to you as soon as possible
[Meta.Success_synclist_h1] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_title] => Channels groups successfully modified
[Meta.Success_synclist_description] =>
[Success_synclist_greetings] => Dear friend
[Success_synclist_text] => We successfully modified selected channels groups
[Success_synclist_continue_using] => Next, go to the Settings menu by pressing “Settings button” in your TV app and then press the “Restart” in your TV app (or Blue button on your remote)
[Meta.TermsOfUse_title] => Terms and Condtions
[Meta.TermsOfUse_description] => These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. As used in these Terms of Use, MyTv BEST service, our service or the service means features and functionalities, recommendations and reviews, our websites, and user interfaces
[Meta.TermsOfUse_h1] => MyTv BEST Terms of Use
[Meta.Privacy_title] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Privacy_description] => One of the Most Popular Smart TV Applications that is Reliable and Easy to Use. Watch your Favourite TV shows, Movies via the Internet Streaming Process
[Meta.Privacy_h1] => Privacy Policy
[Meta.Pricing_title] => Licenses
[Meta.Pricing_description] =>
[Meta.Pricing_h1] => Choose plan to support MyTv BEST
[Pricing_thank_you] => Thank you so much for using the APP for more than 90 days! We hope you had time to evaluate it. Our team is constantly facing lots of challenges developing the APP, but we are happy to see our community growing
[Pricing_can_cancel] => You can cancel your license at any time
[Pricing_prolong_heading] => Extend trial for 1 day
[Pricing_prolong_text] => The FREE version of the APP requires daily manual verification. It will prolong the usage of the app for the next 24 hours
[Pricing_not_conviced] => Still Not Convinced After 90 Days
[Pricing_subsribtions_for_business] => Purchasing a license not only covers the costs associated with your app usage but also supports our ongoing operations. Feel free to suggest an alternative price if you find the proposed one unfair.
[Pricing_offer_my_price] => Offer my price
[Pricing_plan_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily (We pay it to 3rd party security provider)
[Pricing_plan_annual] => Annual
[Pricing_plan_monthly] => Monthly
[Pricing_plan_automatic_validation] => Automatic validation
[Pricing_plan_search_enabled] => Search enabled
[Pricing_plan_up_5_device] => Up to 5 devices
[Pricing_plan_high_speed] => High speed
[Pricing_plan_future_updates] => Future updates
[Pricing_plan_playlist_updates] => Playlist updates
[Pricing_plan_priority_support] => Priority support
[Pricing_plan_paylist_not_included] => Playlists NOT included
[Pricing_plan_get_started] => Get Started
[Meta.Softwall_title] => Annual plans
[Meta.Softwall_description] =>
[Meta.Softwall_h1] => Would you like to continue using our product without advertisements
[Softwall_thank_you] => Thank you for your continued support as a long-term user! To maintain our services, we depend on advertising revenue. If you prefer an ad-free experience, explore our subscription plans below
[Premium_shield] => Premium
[Premium_less_dollar] => Less than 0.02 USD Daily
[Premium_main_feature] => No ads
[Premium_with_ads_shield] => On budget
[Premium_with_ads_less_dollar] => Less than 0.01 USD Daily
[Premium_with_ads_main_feature] => Splash screen video ads
[Pricing_feature_heading] => Upcomming features that are included in price
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search] => Advanced search
[Pricing_feature_advanced_search_text] => Discover channels efficiently and effectively using our new search feature. It is really easy and convenient
[Pricing_feature_remote_control] => Remote control
[Pricing_feature_remote_control_text] => The handy remote control app will help you to control your TV smoothly from your phone
[Pricing_feature_multiple] => Multiple playlists
[Pricing_feature_multiple_text] => Why do you have to choose a single playlist if you can use several? We are working hard to make it possible
[Pricing_feature_parental] => Parental controls
[Pricing_feature_parental_text] => Our built-in timer lets parents limit screen time by telling kids when it’s time to stop watching
[Widget_Contact_heading] => Do you still need help
[Widget_Contact_request] => Feel free to use our CHAT support or request our assistance via
[Action_widget_how_to] => How to
[Action_widget_follow_link] => Please use the following link to
[Footer_heading_policy] => Policy
[Footer_not_responsible_text] => Application developer and TV manufacturer are not responsible for content that users intend to watch using SMART TV application
[Footer_terms_heading] => Terms and conditions
[Footer_terms_payment] => Payment Policy
[Footer_terms_refund] => Refund Policy
[Footer_terms_cancellation] => Cancellation Policy
[Footer_about_heading] => About us
[Footer_contact_heading] => Contact us
[Footer_cliens_anchor] => Clients
[Blog_href_anchor] => Articles
[Blog_href_title] => Articles about SmartTV
[Blog_read_more] => Read more
[Meta.Blog_title] => Useful Articles About Using MyTv BEST
[Meta.Blog_description] => Useful articles about MyTv BEST and its use, tips and recommendations for working with the application
[Meta.Blog_h1] => Useful Articles About MyTv BEST
[Push_subscribe] => Allow notification
[Success_push_subscribe] => Receive real-time critical updates and exclusive offers by allowing notifications. Let us keep you informed and taken care of!
[Survey_cta] => Your opinion matters!
[Survey_desc] => We at Smart TV Club would like to create the best experience possible for our users. Please take our survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate that
[Survey_take] => Take Survey
[triggerError:Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray:private] =>
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[ctype_array] => Array
[download] => Array
[name] => DownloadApp
[action] => download
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => download/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DownloadApp_title
[desc] => DownloadApp_description
[href_anchor] => Download App
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[button_anchor] => Download App
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software
[upload] => Array
[name] => UploadPlaylist
[action] => upload
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => upload-channels/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UploadPlaylist_title
[desc] => UploadPlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Upload Channels
[href_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[button_anchor] => Upload Channels
[button_title] => Learn how to upload your playlist to our server
[update] => Array
[name] => UpdatePlaylist
[action] => update
[ctype_params] => {"flow_ad":1,"playlist_manager":["parental_groups","cleaning_groups"]}
[sefurl] => update-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => UpdatePlaylist_title
[desc] => UpdatePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Update playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to update your playlist on our server
[button_anchor] => Update playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to update your playlist
[delete] => Array
[name] => DeletePlaylist
[action] => delete
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => delete-playlist/
[translation] => Array
[title] => DeletePlaylist_title
[desc] => DeletePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => Delete playlist
[href_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[button_anchor] => Delete playlist
[button_title] => Learn how to delete your playlist from our server
[contact] => Array
[name] => Contact
[action] => contact
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => contact/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Contact_title
[desc] => Contact_description
[href_anchor] => Contact us
[href_title] => Contact us
[button_anchor] => Contact us
[button_title] => Request our assistance
[faq] => Array
[name] => FAQ
[action] => faq
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => faq/
[translation] => Array
[title] => FAQ_title
[desc] => FAQ_description
[href_anchor] => F.A.Q.
[href_title] => Frequency Asked Questions
[button_anchor] => FAQ_button_anchor
[button_title] => FAQ_button_title
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[name] => FirstPage
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[href_title] => FirstPage_href_title
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[button_title] => FirstPage_button_title
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[name] => Success
[action] => success
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => success/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Success_title
[desc] => Success_description
[href_anchor] => Success_href_anchor
[href_title] => Success_href_title
[button_anchor] => Success_button_anchor
[button_title] => Success_button_title
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[name] => QR
[action] => qrcode
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => qr-code/
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[desc] => QR_description
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[href_title] => QR_href_title
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[button_title] => QR_button_title
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[sefurl] => privacy-policy/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Privacy_title
[desc] => Privacy_description
[href_anchor] => Privacy policy
[href_title] => Read our privacy policy
[button_anchor] => Privacy policy
[button_title] => Read our privacy policy
[terms] => Array
[name] => TermsOfUse
[action] => terms
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":1}
[sefurl] => terms-of-use/
[translation] => Array
[title] => TermsOfUse_title
[desc] => TermsOfUse_description
[href_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[href_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[button_anchor] => Terms and conditions
[button_title] => Read our terms and conditions
[lg] => Array
[name] => LG
[action] => lg
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => lg/
[translation] => Array
[title] => LG_title
[desc] => LG_description
[href_anchor] => LG
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[button_anchor] => LG
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on LG
[samsung] => Array
[name] => Samsung
[action] => samsung
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => samsung/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Samsung_title
[desc] => Samsung_description
[href_anchor] => Samsung
[href_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[button_anchor] => Samsung
[button_title] => Learn how to download and install our software on Samsung
[reseller] => Array
[name] => Reseller
[action] => reseller
[ctype_params] =>
[sefurl] => reseller/
[translation] => Array
[title] => Reseller_title
[desc] => Reseller_description
[href_anchor] => Partnership
[href_title] => Read how to became our partner
[button_anchor] => Partnership
[button_title] => Read how to became our partner
[playlistmanager] => Array
[name] => ManagePlaylist
[action] => playlistmanager
[ctype_params] => {"noindex":0,"tidio":2,"flow_ad":1}
[sefurl] => playlist-manager/
[translation] => Array
[title] => ManagePlaylist_title
[desc] => ManagePlaylist_description
[href_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_href_anchor
[href_title] => ManagePlaylist_href_title
[button_anchor] => ManagePlaylist_button_anchor
[button_title] => ManagePlaylist_button_title
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[desc] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[fulltext] => For instance, smartphones—there are no other types now—grant access to the Internet and can execute numerous tasks akin to those performed on computers: photography, movie streaming, music playback, document handling, email correspondence, gaming, and more, often featuring virtual assistants.
Such multifaceted functions were absent in older phone models, which primarily focused on calls and SMS.
In simpler terms:
Just as technology and capabilities transformed basic phones into smartphones, ordinary TVs have evolved into smart TVs.
This evolution primarily involves connecting the old and relatively "dumb" TV, typically connected to an HDTV antenna, to the internet, thereby unlocking access to an unlimited array of channels and applications.
Nevertheless, the core function of the TV—watching shows, movies, sports events, or programs—remains unchanged.
Essential Smart Features for Your Modern TV:
Apps: Your TV will likely come preloaded with popular apps, or you can easily install them from the app store. Examples include Netflix, Amazon Video, Facebook, Yandex, Twitter, Smarttv Club, and others, offering high-quality video content streaming.
1. Web Browser: Most smart TV models feature a built-in web browser, allowing you to browse the internet, view photos, and read news without leaving your couch.
2. Streaming: A vital function is the ability to cast content from your smartphone or computer to your TV screen wirelessly. This feature, often underestimated in its potential, eliminates the need for additional devices like Google Chromecast.
3. Voice Recognition: Many smart TVs come equipped with microphones and speech recognition capabilities, enabling integration with voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Yandex Alisa. This functionality extends to potential control over your TV and future smart home setups. If you're considering purchasing a TV with a built-in microphone, it's essential to review security considerations.
Indispensable Functions for Your SMART TV:
Internet Connection: Your modern TV must connect to the internet, typically via Wi-Fi, to unlock its smart features. For streaming 4K Ultra HD and higher format content, like Netflix movies and series, a minimum bandwidth of 25 Mbps is recommended.
TV License or Provider Connection: Access to channels or broadcasts usually requires either a TV license or a connection to a service provider.
Which SMART TV brand and operating system should you choose?
Smart TVs are offered by all major TV manufacturers, including LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. However, each brand comes with its own set of features, advantages, and drawbacks. Similar to selecting the operating system for your smartphone—like Android or Apple iOS—SMART TVs also operate on distinct operating systems, as discussed below:
LG's Operating System: webOS
webOS is one of the most popular TV operating systems, having undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2014. It boasts a user-friendly interface and encompasses nearly all the amenities one might need. Notably, LG offers the 'Magic' remote, allowing for two distinct control modes.
Additionally, LG's webOS facilitates the integration of household appliances and displays notifications. For instance, you can receive alerts when your washing machine finishes a cycle.
Android TV Operating System
Android TV stands out for its extensive potential and meticulous design. Any smart TV equipped with Android features a built-in Chromecast, enabling seamless streaming of content from your phone or computer directly to the TV without the need for cables. Moreover, Android TV integrates seamlessly with popular Google products like Google Assistant. However, the downside lies in its non-uniform experience and interface across different brands and manufacturers, as it is an open-source platform with inherent risks and complexities.
Samsung's Operating System: TizenOS
TizenOS is Samsung's proprietary operating system utilized in all their products except smartphones. While TizenOS faced security issues in the past, notably in 2015, Samsung has since prioritized security and emerged as a leader in the SMART TV market. Visually appealing, TizenOS lacks the sophistication of some other operating systems but has carved its unique developmental path. Notably, Samsung's higher-end models feature voice control functionality (Bixby), allowing control over not only the smart TV but also various home appliances and smart home systems.
Fire TV Edition
Developed by Amazon for use in Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Edition offers integration with Amazon Alexa for voice control and home management. However, it lacks some expected applications in the Amazon Appstore, notably YouTube and Google Play Store apps. Despite being based on open-source Android code, users cannot download apps from the Google Play Store. Nevertheless, popular applications are available, albeit with exceptions like YouTube.
Roku Operating System
Roku's operating system is embedded in TVs from various manufacturers, including TLC, Element, Insignia, Philips, Sharp, RCA, Hitachi, and Hisense. Its primary advantage lies in its extensive library of applications, offering users access to a wide range of content options.
Choosing the Best Operating System for SMART TV
Each operating system boasts its unique features and potentials, and their evolution is ongoing, making it challenging to definitively declare a winner. However, some considerations can guide your decision-making process:
Amazon Fire may lack some apps, including YouTube and Google Play Store, while Tizen OS might be less intuitive in terms of navigation. If you prioritize simplicity and minimalist design, consider WebOS. For maximum app availability, opt for Roku. In terms of the future of voice assistants, Android TV, backed by Google's extensive resources and plans, appears promising.
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[created] => 2023-03-22 09:22:55
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[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[alt] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
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[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Similar to any other device connected to the internet, Smart TV TVs can have vulnerabilities and be hacked.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-security.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:31:00
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-security.jpg
[title] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[alt] => Smart TV Security - How to Make Your TV as Secure as Possible?
[1] => Array
[id] => 105
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, has emerged as a revolutionary technology, transforming the way we consume television content.
[sefurl] => blog/evolution-of-iptv.html
[created] => 2024-03-07 10:10:27
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/evolution-of-iptv.jpg
[title] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[alt] => The Evolution of IPTV: From Concept to Mainstream
[2] => Array
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[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => Today, many television sets and manufacturers claim to be related to Smart TV. However, in fact, not every TV with internet access can be called smart and be convenient. In reality, there are so many manufacturers and models in their product line that deserve the title and leave the store shelves.
[sefurl] => blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:42:10
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/smart-tv-top-10-features.jpg
[title] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[alt] => 10 Essential Smart TV Functions - What Should Be in Every Smart TV?
[3] => Array
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[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[title_alias] =>
[introtext] => EPG, or Electronic Program Guide, functions as a TV schedule tailored for IPTV channels. It broadcasts essential information such as broadcast timing, program titles, descriptions, and genres. Essentially, EPG serves a role akin to the traditional TV program listings found in newspapers from two decades ago, albeit in a digital format tailored for modern viewing experiences.
[sefurl] => blog/epg-definition.html
[created] => 2023-03-22 09:18:12
[image] => Array
[src] => images/blog/epg-definition.jpg
[title] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[alt] => What is EPG and How to Set Up EPG for IPTV?
[schema] => Array
[description] => The term "smart," in its essence, denotes intelligence and signifies a new era of devices endowed with features not present in their predecessors from previous generations.
[title] => What is Smart TV in a television? The simplest explanation
[created] => 2023-03-22T09:22:55+00:00
[modified] => 2023-03-27T09:48:21+00:00
[url] => blog/smart-tv-definition.html
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